Home North America Delicate Arch – Utah

Delicate Arch – Utah




The Delicate Arch in Utah is a 20 metre freestanding arch that is natural in formation made from sandstone. It is a widely known landmark in the area due it to being depicted on Utah License Plates and on some of their postage stamps.

How to Get There?

There are a number of ways to get there from Utah City, you can either drive, catch a public bus or there is even a train that takes you to the national park.

When is the Best Time to Visit?

The best time is during the usual American Summer Months between May and September, it is usually dry at most times around the location.

What is there to do there?

There are many arches to view here, but this is the largest and most spectacular. The park favours itself to photographers who come here all the time! There is also so much more to do such as biking, camping and hiking. Great for the adventure types!


DSC05477 Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Moab, Utah